Friday, November 28, 2008

Income Redistribution


Now here's the reality: The rich are being taxed at ever-higher levels,
while more workers at the bottom of the income ladder are paying no taxes at
all. As for spending, resources flowing to those at the bottom far outstrip
those flowing to those at the top.

Worse, a 'what's in it for me?' attitude seems increasingly the norm. Once a
nation of stoic, self-reliant individualists, America now seems full of people
who think other taxpayers owe them something. They see the 'system' as a giant
cow to be milked — and damn the cow. This is backed up by polling data. In a 1994 Pew poll, 57% agreed with the statement 'Government should care for those
who can't care for themselves.' Today, it's 69%.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In a 1994 Pew poll, 57% agreed with the statement 'Government should care for those
who can't care for themselves.' Today, it's 69%.

The real problem is defining who is able to "care for themselves". There are a lot of freeloaders who definitely can care for themselves, who instead end up on the dole.

I work at a grocery store on the overnight shift, and one of my coworkers had me ring him up around 1 AM when the store is closed. The man has a kid by one woman and just married another, but he was using his "girl'" food stamp card to buy his meal. I am not even discussing race in all of this.

Our taxes at work.